돈 벌기 좋은 거래소........고팍스 엘핏 LFIT / 엠스퀘어 MSQ 매일 거래하고 N빵 받기........A good money-making exchange........Gopax LFIT / M Square MSQ Trading daily and getting Nbreads
고팍스 이벤트 참여 전에
염두해야 할 사항이 있습니다,
고팍스의 불안 요소... 😭
메가존이 사주는 줄 알았는데
진척이 잘 안 되나 봅니다.
그리고 고파이 채무도 아직 남은 금액이 있는데
현재 비트코인, 이더리움 모두 급등한 상황이라...ㅠㅠ
그럼에도 다른 거래소에 비해
참여인원이 적어 리워드가 좋은 편이에요,
정산해보니 8월부터 지금까지
36만원 정도 받았더라고요.
그래서 저는 이벤트용 자금 정도만 입금해서
이용하고 있습니다. 😂
현재 고팍스에서 매일 거래하면
매일 N빵을 받을 수 있는 이벤트가
2건 진행 중입니다.
- 엘핏 LFIT 매일 100개 거래
- 엠스퀘어 MSQ 매일 100개 거래
최근 시세 기준으로
500명 / 250명 참여 가정 시
매일 받을 수 있는 리워드를 계산해봤어요.
틱손실 + 0.2% 거래 수수료까지 고려하면
엘핏 LFIT이 가장 참여하기 좋아 보입니다. :)
(+) 고객확인 요청 팝업 뜨는 분들은
직업과 자금출처의 앞뒤가 맞아야
거래가능으로 풀립니다.
예시 : 주부 - 생활비 및 용돈
고팍스 신규인 분들은
가입 혜택부터 챙기셔요!
추천 가입하고 첫 거래하면
1만원 상당의 가상화폐를 즉시 받을 수 있습니다.
그리고 웰컴 이벤트가 추가로 진행돼
추첨 리워드도 지급된데요❣️ (당첨 시 최대 5.5만원)
☑️ 신규가입 방법
1) 준비물
: 신분증, 전북은행 계좌 (한도 제한 계좌도 괜찮아요.)
2) 아래 초대 링크로 들어가서 가입하기
초대코드: BWV6RQ
※ 가입 시 위 초대코드를 반드시 입력해주세요.
신뢰할 수 있는 가상자산 거래소, 새로운 금융의 개척, 고팍스 (GOPAX)
3) 전북은행 계좌 연결하기
경로 : 고팍스 앱 내 정보 - 계정 및 인증
4) PIN 번호를 등록하고 계좌를 연결합니다.
경로 : PIN 관리
실명 확인 계좌 등록
5) 초대 가입 후 계좌 충전하고
원화 마켓에서 거래하기
신뢰할 수 있는 가상자산 거래소, 새로운 금융의 개척, 고팍스 (GOPAX)
고팍스 거래소 가입해서 공짜로 현금 또는 가상화폐 받으시고 또 좋은 코인 저렴하게 구매해서 많은 수익 나시길 바랍니다..
Reliable Virtual Asset Exchange, Pioneering New Finance, GOPAX
Easy and Secure Virtual Asset Exchange GoFax offers a variety of virtual assets and events. Experience real-time market price check, easy deposit and withdrawal, secure investment with strong security, and convenient transactions. Various coin transactions are possible, including major coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and Solana, and other major coins such as Altcoin.
Before participating in the Gop-Gop-X event
There's something to keep in mind,
The anxiety factor of Gopax... 😭
I thought Mega Zone was buying it for me
I don't think I'm progressing well.
And I still have some money left for GoFi debt
Bitcoin and Ethereum are both soaring right now... ㅠㅠ
Nevertheless, compared to other exchanges
Rewards are good because there are few participants,
From August to now
I got about 360,000 won.
So I'll just deposit money for the event
I'm using it. 😂
Now, if you trade every day at Gopax
The event where you can get N-bbang every day
Two cases are in progress.
- LFIT Trading 100 Units Every Day
- M Square MSQ Trading 100 Units Every Day
at the latest market price
500 people / 250 participants
I've calculated the rewards you can get every day.
Considering the tick loss + 0.2% transaction fee
L fit LFIT looks the best to participate. :)
(+) If you see a pop-up of customer verification requests
The job and the source of the funds need to be the same
It will be released as a dealable.
Example: Housewife - Living expenses and allowance
For those who are new to Gopapx
Get the benefits of signing up first!
If you sign up for the recommendation and make the first transaction
You can get 10,000 won worth of virtual currency immediately.
And there's an additional welcome event
There is also a lottery reward ❣ ️ (maximum KRW 550,000 if winning)
☑ New subscription method for ️
1) supplies
: ID, Jeonbuk Bank Account (Limited account is fine)
2) Go to the invitation link below and sign up
Invitation code: BWV6RQ
※ Please make sure to enter the above invitation code when you sign up.
가입링크: https://gopax.page.link/wvZCYxg9myrAZ5gq9
Reliable Virtual Asset Exchange, Pioneering New Finance, GOPAX
Easy and Secure Virtual Asset Exchange GoFax offers a variety of virtual assets and events. Experience real-time market price check, easy deposit and withdrawal, secure investment with strong security, and convenient transactions. Various coin transactions are possible, including major coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and Solana, and other major coins such as Altcoin.
3) Connecting Jeonbuk Bank Account
Path: Information in the Gopax app - Account and Authentication
4) Register your PIN number and link your account.
Path: Managing PINs
Real Name Verification Account Registration
5) After signing up for the invitation, I'll recharge my account
Trading on the won market
Gopax App Marketing Push Notification Receiving Consent Required (For Event Participation)
Friends invitation rewards are usually paid in Bitcoin.
It expires after 30 days (expiration date), so if you receive it, we recommend selling it immediately or withdrawing it.
Reliable Virtual Asset Exchange, Pioneering New Finance, GOPAX
Easy and Secure Virtual Asset Exchange GoFax offers a variety of virtual assets and events. Experience real-time market price check, easy deposit and withdrawal, secure investment with strong security, and convenient transactions. Various coin transactions are possible, including major coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and Solana, and other major coins such as Altcoin.
I hope you can get free cash or virtual currency by joining the Gopax exchange and buy good coins at a low price so that you can earn a lot of profit..
Reliable Virtual Asset Exchange, Pioneering New Finance, GOPAX
Easy and Secure Virtual Asset Exchange GoFax offers a variety of virtual assets and events. Experience real-time market price check, easy deposit and withdrawal, secure investment with strong security, and convenient transactions. Various coin transactions are possible, including major coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and Solana, and other major coins such as Altcoin.
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