후오비(Huobi), Osmosis (OSMO) 토큰 상장 및 거래 시작
# 목차
1. 이벤트 내용 요약 정리
Huobi | Buy Bitcoin/Ethereum | Secure cryptocurrency trading platform
Huobi serves its 10 million+ users worldwide with secure and stable trading services. Here at Huobi, you can buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, SHIB, and over 500 quality cryptocurrencies anywhere, anytime.
Huobi | Buy Bitcoin/Ethereum | Secure cryptocurrency trading platform
Huobi serves its 10 million+ users worldwide with secure and stable trading services. Here at Huobi, you can buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, SHIB, and over 500 quality cryptocurrencies anywhere, anytime.
Huobi | Buy Bitcoin/Ethereum | Secure cryptocurrency trading platform
Huobi serves its 10 million+ users worldwide with secure and stable trading services. Here at Huobi, you can buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, SHIB, and over 500 quality cryptocurrencies anywhere, anytime.
날짜 및 시간
OSMO 입금 시작
2023년 4월 24일 오후 9시
OSMO 입금 가능
OSMO 스팟 거래 개시
입금량이 시장 거래 수요를 충족할 때 공지됨
OSMO/USDT 스팟 거래 시작
OSMO 출금 시작
2023년 4월 26일 오후 9시
OSMO 출금 가능
2. 수수료 10% 할인 받기
1. 신규회원 가입하기
Huobi | Buy Bitcoin/Ethereum | Secure cryptocurrency trading platform
2. 수수료 10% 할인 (수수료 0.2% 이상인 거래만 적용)
후오비글로벌 거래소에서 좋은 코인 저렴하게 구매해서 많은 수익 나시길 바랍니다........
Huobi | Buy Bitcoin/Ethereum | Secure cryptocurrency trading platform
Huobi serves its 10 million+ users worldwide with secure and stable trading services. Here at Huobi, you can buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, SHIB, and over 500 quality cryptocurrencies anywhere, anytime.
댓글 영역